The notification system is designed to prioritize messages based on a hierarchy - Push notifications are given the highest priority, followed by SMS messages, and then emails. This ensures that important information reaches patients and their families in a timely manner and through the most effective communication channels.
In situations where both the Registration message and Survey reminder need to be sent on the same day, the registration email is prioritized and sent first. If the patient has not finished the registration or the survey has not been completed, the survey reminder is then sent 24 hours later.
If there are any surveys scheduled for the registration date, they will be immediately accessible on the patient portal.
Simultaneous Sending of SMS and Email
In cases where clients click the "Resend" button, the order in which notifications are sent is messed up.
When investigator resends a patient's invite earlier than the commencement date comes, the system will not automatically send another invitation on the commencement date, even if the patient has not registered yet.
If the server started sending reminders according to our cascade model and the doctor decides to click the "Resend" button, this action will interrupt the ongoing cascade chain and initiate a new round of sending "push-SMS-email" notifications.
Tip: unlike the Registration and Pre-treatment notifications which are sent only once, you can influence sending out survey reminders by editing commencement and treatment dates. When the treatment/commencemet dates are changed, the survey due dates are rescheduled according to the new timing.
Note: Due to the reporting schedule of AWS, the status of a sent SMS cannot be determined until the following day. If an SMS was sent but not delivered, the email reminder will only be sent after a 24-hour period.
Registration reminder is sent immediately.
Survey reminders can be scheduled to be sent within a timeframe of 30 to 40 minutes (due to the hierarchy of sending the notifications).
Warning: When configuring the protocol, it is important to work closely with the client to determine the dates for reminders and other settings. It is crucial to note that notifications are not combined. Therefore, if a patient has two due surveys, they will receive two separate reminders, one for each survey. Additionally, if there is a survey reminder and a pre-treatment reminder on the same day, both messages will be sent. For example, if the pre-treatment notification is sent via SMS and email, and there’s additionally a survey due, the patient will receive three messages in total on that day.
In the case when one of the clients has not previously used SMS notifications but decides to enable this option, it is recommended to double-check the settings for due and overdue reminders. This ensures that all notifications are properly configured and successfully sent to the patient.