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Creating A Subscription Automatically_Stripe Subscription


Corresponding Clinician Articles

We connect the particular inCytes funder with Stripe to make it possible to charge them for the products they used. So, after the client is added to Stripe, they get Stripe Customer ID which must be added to inCytes to have the ability to pull the required info on the specific client and the products they used (cases / SMS) in inCytes.

→ Stripe Customer ID and inCytes Subscription is the high level of connection between two systems.

Stripe subscription - a set of different prices* of products defined for a particular Client. So, before creating a Subscription, you are to add the required Products and Prices for them.  

Products (what we charge for and send in invoice):  

  • Subscription: can be recurring or one-time  
  • Cases: metered usage (pay-as-you go approach)
  • SMS: metered usage; added automatically as soon as SMS is used

*You can set multiple prices for a single product if you’re selling the same item at different price points or in different currencies (in US/ in EUR).  

Creating a Subscription

Subscription can be created:  

  • manually, by adding the required products to the Payments tab in Stripe
When creating a subscription manually, make sure you added all the products into the Stripe subscription!!!
If required, you can delete any point, except SMS, from Stripe subscription.

  • automatically, in the admin panel of inCytes.
Automatical subscription was implemented to simplify the work of the finance department. On one click, the system generates the most commonly used subscription that includes (i) monthly user subscription/s ($35 / subscriber / month) and (ii) cases ($5/case) that will be added in pay as you go mode.

To create a subscription automatically:

  1. Navigate to Funders tab  
  2. Search* the required Funder by name or Stripe ID

          *If there is no funder listed, add one to the list

The Subscription ID won’t be created if there’s no Stripe Cutomer ID indicated. Update your Funder info before generating a subscription

      3. Click three dots next to the required Funder and select Create Subscription.  

      4. Click SUBMIT. The Subscription ID will be automatically added to the Funder’s information

  • Trial period is not avaialble now for all users.

Once the SUBMIT button is clicked, the draft of the first invoice is created automatically. Finance Department checks if everything is ok and submits it for payment.

The Client will be charged only for the subscription/s, since it’s to be pre-paid 1 month upfront. SMS and Cases are paid at the end of the billing period.

You can also use a combined approach: automatically create a subscription in inCytes and then customize it to meet the specific needs of the client in Stripe.