Scoring groups - one of the measured metrics for PROMS and ClinORs, which uses a formula to determine the Total Score for understanding treatment progress.
For example:
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measurement of a person's weight in relation to their height. Commonly accepted BMI ranges are underweight (under 18.5), normal weight (18.5 to 25), overweight (25 to 30), and obese (over 30). To calculate BMI in kilograms using the metric formula, divide the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters (BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)² ).
On the inCytes™ platform BMI is represented as follows:
There are 4 columns: name, bundles, modified and menus.
Name - title of the scoring group (short and internal form)
Bundles - the name of the bundle which the scoring group is based on.
Modified - creation time or last change.
Menus - icon with more options.
The search for the necessary Scoring Group is carried out using the Scoring group name, which can be entered in the search bar.
There is a pagination on the page. Only 25 scoring group’s data are displayed. After scrolling down, other 25 scoring groups appear.
Scoring groups are sorted by the modified column in descending order by default. The data can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking:
on the name column header - sort scoring groups in Z - A order, by next click- scoring groups in A - Z order
on the modified column header - sort scoring groups from the earliest to the latest order, by next click - from the latest to the earliest order.
Create New Scoring Group
Start with the Scoring Group at the left-hand navigation.
Press the blue button + Scoring Group at the top right corner of the screen.
Fill the required Names(Internal, Full and Short ) and the Description.
Press the Create button
● For Internal Name use full version of Prom and the abbreviation in parentheses or a logical section from a validated source. InternalName is displayed on: - [Admin Portal] Scoring Group overview screen (admin’s portal) as lower name in normal font - [Investigator Portal] Report Builder (Legend Tab). ● Full name is displayed on [Admin Portal] Scoring Group in the Details tab. ● Short Name is displayed on: - [Admin Portal] Scoring Group overview screen as upper name in bold font; - [Investigator Portal] Circles Details page; - [Patient Portal] Scores page. ● Description contains information on the construction of the formula, setting limits and fences, and about bundles. Description is displayed on: - [Patient Portal] Scores page in Scoring Group Details.
Add Bundle to the Scoring Group
Click on the one of the Scoring Group.
Fill the required Bundle name on the search bar.
Press +Add.
You can use the same Bundle in any Scoring group.
Archive Bundle
Archiving is allowed when NO cases were created. Otherwise, the system will warn you that archiving is not available for the selected bundle.
Important! Before archiving: 1. Add the right bundle to the scoring group 2. Remove from the formula the question tags of the bundle that you want to archive 3. Archive the irrelevant bundle
To archive the bundle:
Go to Scoring Groups and select* the required one from the list
*Use Search field to find the required SG faster
Click three dots next to the required bundle and select Archive
Confirm archiving the bundle by pressing YES
If you have problems with archiving the bundle in a new scoring group, check that the field "Formula" is not empty. To fix the issue, you must: 1. Either add the right bundle to the formula and then archive the wrong bundle OR 2. Add the tag from the wrong bundle to the formula (save the formula) and then archive the bundle. The wrong tags will automatically be removed from the formula
Set Bundle In Use
Navigate to Scoring Groups and select the required one from the list
Switch on the toggle Show archived
Click three dots next to the required bundle and select Set In Use
*Archived bundles are marked gray
Edit and Localize Scoring Group Details
Click on the one of the Scoring Group.
Select the Details at the top left corner of the screen.
Select the Language and change the Data.
Click SAVE.
Configure Scoring Group
Click on the one of the Scoring Group.
Press +Add next to the Question.
Use Сalculator to figure out the formula.
Set Limits and Fences.
Press SAVE.
● Formula Builder is a field for creating formulas using the questions from the bundle and keypad. ● On the inCytes™ platform, the administrator has the ability to build formulas with multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. Formulas using decimal fractional numbers, actions with brackets are supported. ● The calculation of the formula is based on a bundle that is divided into questions with tags. Each question has its own score by which the formula is counted. ● The graph display of the scoring group is limited to billions. ● There is a certain order of actions in expressions without brackets: - the actions are performed in order from left to right, - multiplication and division are performed first, and then addition and subtraction. ● And actions with brackets: - first, the action is performed in brackets, while multiplication and division are also performed in order from left to right, then addition and subtraction.
Applying special functions to scoring groups
There are situations when we may need to calculate the average result in scoring groups.
E.g., the formula for SRS 30, SRS 22 is: Sum of Responses/ Number of questions answered
In this case, you can apply a special AVERAGE function - divide the total result into the required number of questions.
How to apply AVERAGE function to the formula:
1. Extend the Calculator by switching on the toggle Extended mode at the top right of the Formula Builder field
Switching on the toggle opens a separate area to work with Average function
If you open the Extended mode for the first time or the “Average” formula has been removed before, the text format of the formula from the ‘regular’ formula builder is displayed. You can either edit the displayed formula or remove it and build the new one from scratch
Two formulas – from regular and extended mode - exist autonomously and can be absolutely different. The last saved formula is applied to the scoring group. (The scoring group is counted by the last saved formula)
Build the formula according to the following template: avg(n)(tag1, tag2, …, tag{n}), where
avg(n): n - the number of questions included into the formula
tag1, tag2, tag{n} - the questions included into the formula
Building the formula from scratch:
Click AVG in the field Functions. In the formula Builder, avg2( will appear.
Replace “2” with the number of questions which are going to be included in the formula
Click ADD+ to add the required question to the formula. Repeat the actions until you add all the required questions
the questions are separated from each other with the help of commas
Close the bracket at the end of the formula
If the system warns you about Invalid expression, click somewhere in the empty space
Click SAVE
Editing the formula:
Place the cursor at the very beginning of the formula and click AVG in the field Functions. Proceed with the other formula adjustments
Place the cursor into the specific location in the formula and start correcting the formula by typing or deleting the required characters from your keyboard
Click SAVE when ready
Deleting the formula with AVERAGE function:
Switch on the extended mode in the Formula Builder
Delete the formula from the Formula Builder
Click somewhere in the empty space and click SAVE
Search Question for Formula Builder
Click on the one of the Scoring Group.
Fill the required Question name or Tag on the search bar.
Press +Add.
How to Set Limits and Fences
● Limits - maximum and minimum values on the graph for the Y axis. Limits are set relative to the maximum and minimum values of the formula. Based on them, the boundaries of graphs for a specific formula are constructed. ● Fences - the boundaries beyond which the doctor will receive alerts.
Remove Scoring Group
Do I have the option to delete or archive a scoring group?
No, you can’t delete or archive the scoring group.
Display and Localization
The patient can see the result of counting the scores as a Total score after creating a case on investigators portal to understand treatment progress. It’s displayed on the graph in the Scores section on the patient portal.
If the Scoring Group Details (Short name and Description) was localized to the preferable patient’s language, e.g. if the translation to that language was inserted when localizing the Scoring Group Details, then the Scoring Group Details are displayed according to the patient portal language settings.
If the Scoring Group Details was not translated to the preferable language, then the patient sees the English version.
An investigator is able to see scoring group on:
1) Case Detail page by clicking on View Patient’s Results
2) Exported files from Circle details and Report Builder. The investigators can see the scores and the Total score of the scoring group. Scoring group has its own sequence number and represented as 'SG'+[ScoringGroupId] → Name of Scoring Group
An inCytes™ administrator is able to see scoring group on:
Scoring groups Formula page
How my changes impact the existing cases
Adding a new question to Bundle
Adding a new question to Bundle will affect both the existing and future cases. Such question will be automatically added to all instances of bundle (survey view, protocol view, scoring group view).
Initial data
Updated results after creating a new case
Editing formula
The changes performed to Formula Builder will affect future cases, but scoring group results will not be automatically recalculated. To update the scoring group results for each particular existing case, all completed surveys within the case should be edited and resaved.
Initial data
Updated results after creating a new case
Changes in Report Builder
In order to correct an error in the formula (for example, in the middle), the inCytes™ administrator will have to delete all the elements before this error.
Removing a question from Bundle
Removing a question from a Bundle is an undesirable action, because this action may lead to a change in the Total Score in the scoring group for the survey and observational protocol. If such question was used in Formula Builder, it should be manually removed from it. Such action will require scoring group recalculation for existing cases (see point 2 above).
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
1. Is it possible not to show some scoring groups for my patients?
Yes, it is. You can turn on the toggle switch “Hide on Patient portal”.
"Hide on Patient portal" button on Investigator's portal
Hidden Scoring Group on BenchmarC™
2. How is the calculated value shown for investigators/patients? How do you round up?
The calculated value is displayed by the Total Score. You can see Total Score as a point on the graph (Circle Graph, Report builder, Benchmarc™ Scores Page). You can also see the Total Score value in the exported Excel reports.
In all cases, the Total Score is rounded to the nearest hundredth (e.g. 71,43). Except for the graph on the Benchmarc™ Scores Page, where it is rounded to tenths.(e.g. 205,6)
3. The average values are displayed for the patient in the same way as on the clinical portal?
No. The patient is provided with information only on his clinical case. The investigator can see information with an average value for all patients who are in this circle.
4. I use my own development to measure progress - will you be able to digitize it and transfer it to your platform?
The inCytes™ platform supports formulas using simple actions: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But not all types of PROMS and ClinORs are applicable. For example, the ones that having parent-child questions - the type of question that determines the visibility of other questions when answering.
5. What if there are optional questions in the scoring group?
If the patient answered at least one of the questions used in the Total Score calculation and did not answer any optional question. In this case, the result of this optional question uses a value of 0 when calculating the Total Score.
Pay Attention! In this case, using 0 value can cause an error in the entire formula (e.g. division by 0). Try to avoid such situations!
the optional question is answered
the optional question is not answered
If the scoring group consists only of optional questions and the patient has not answered all of them, then the graph will be empty.