Custom Modification - a version of the Protocol created from the root protocol for a particular customer/Circle
Protocol version - a version of the custom modification for one and the same customer/subscriber. E.g. John Smith uses his custom modification of the root protocol Knee OA, that is called Knee OA PRP (By default it becomes version 1). Dr Smith decides to add some surveys/questions to the surveys. That means that we should create version 2 of his custom modification.
Creating a new custom modification:
Navigate to the Protocols and select the required root protocol from the list (use search bar to simplify your search)
Click +CREATE NEW FROM EXISTING at the top right of the screen
Define the Circle and Subscriber (if required) for which the new protocol modification is being created and click CREATE
Switch the toggle if you want to copy the root version of the existing protocol to the newly created custom modification
Content Team see all the Protocol Modifications in the separate list:
Tip: if the list is too long, use the search bar at the top of the screen to search the required modification by Circle name or Subscriber name/email, or scroll down the screen to upload more modifications.
Once the Investigator has his own modification of the protocol within the circle, their custom modification will be displayed on the Circle details page (see the article for Review your protocol) and by default, in the process of case creating in the Protocol version field.
Switching to the required custom modification:
Navigate to the Protocols and select the required root protocol from the list (use search bar to simplify your search)
Click SWITCH TO CUSTOM MODIFICATION at the top right of the screen
Select the required modification in the list. To find the required modification:
use the search field at the top of the list or
scroll the list so that more modifications could be uploaded
Protocol Versioning
Once the Custom Modification is created, it becomes Version 1 by default.
Custom modifications as well as each version in the customer's modification, support the full customization. Thus, you are able to define unique Email and SMS templates (Patient Communication), Benchmarc messages, Survey Settings, customer's preferences on sending/not sending SMS and Global access, override optional/mandatory mark in the questions.
Managing protocol version/s:
Navigate to the Protocols and switch to the required protocol modification
At the very top of the screen you can see the Version History where you can read the general info on the currently selected version a. If there’re more than one version in the protocol, you can switch between them with the help of NEXT / PREVIOUS buttons at the top right of the screen to display the required version on the screen
Once selected the required version, you can apply the required changes to its surveys and settings. Click SAVE to save the changes (changes will be applied ONLY to the selected version and to the cases belonging to this version). a. Note: all the changes applied to the protocol version (including copying one version to another one), are applied to ALL cases: old (already created) and new cases. b. If there’re two or more protocol versions in the customer’s modification, the default version is opened on click from the modification list. Make sure that you selected the required version
Click Details at the top left of the screen to return to protocol modification screen
Scroll the screen to the bottom where you will find the field/grid to work with protocol versions, where the following info is displayed:
❖ Name: the version name. Version name is displayed only for the administrator and the subscriber (the owner of the version) when they look through the Circle details, case details, and in the modal of Case creating/editing
❖ Version: the version number
❖ Created: date when the version was created+Username of the admin who created it
❖ Cases created: the number of active, archived and completed cases created within this particular version
❖ Available for customer:
- indicates that the version is available for the customer and they can select it while creating a new case
- the version is hidden from the customer
❖ Created from: shows the version from which this version was created
❖ Copied from: shows the version from which the layout of the version was taken
Editing the name of the version:
Click three dots next to the required protocol version and select Edit
Apply changes to the version name and click UPDATE
Creating a new version of the protocol:
Click three dots next to the required protocol version and select Create New Version from
Enter the name of the new version (required) and click CREATE
In the Version Number field, you will see the order number of the newly created version
Switch on the toggle to make the newly created version available for the customer. When the toggle is off, the customer will not see the version and will not be able to use it, but you can change the settings later anytime you need
When the version is made available for the customer, you can also make it Default (that means that this version will be prefilled in the Case Creation modal.
Customer’s view when case creating:
Customer’s view when case creating:
How to change the default version for another one?/How to make the version default?
The default version is marked with the star. You can’t make Default the version which is hidden from the customer.
Method 1: To switch on the toggle “Default” while version creation (Remember that you must first make the required version available for the customer) or
Method 2: Click three dots next to the required protocol version and select Make Default
Tip: use Search bar to find the required version by version name or version number
Hiding the version from the customer
• You can’t hide from the customer the default protocol version • Hidden versions are not displayed for the subscriber in the case create modal and they can’t be selected in the Circle Details, but the cases created within the hidden versions are still visible for the subscriber
Click three dots next to the required protocol version and select Hide from Customer
Next to the hidden version icon (crossed out eye) will appear.
Making the version available for the customer:
Click three dots next to the required protocol version and select Make Available for Customer
How to update the cases created in one version with the information included in the other version?
Click three dots next to the protocol version from which you would like to copy the layout and select Copy Layout to
Click on the Version field and select the version to which you would like to copy the layout
Settings and attributes in the process of copying from one version to another:
Global Access settings
Send SMS settings
Benchmark messages
Applicable to the whole custom protocol modification, not to the specific version
Patient Communication
Applicable to the whole custom protocol modification, not to the specific version
Default Due Dates
Applicable to the whole custom protocol modification, not to the specific version
Survey name
Survey status (in use/not in use/undefined/archived)
Survey Treatment Phase
Survey Position
Survey Delegate
Due period
Expires after
Internal Survey Description
Patient Communication applicable for the Survey
Yes and available for editing on each version separately
Questions status (in use/not in use/undefined/archived)
Separate Answers status within the Questions (in use/not in use/undefined/archived)
Bundles status (in use/not in use/undefined/archived)
Key Facts about changes in protocol versions:
All the changes applied only to the version where changes were made.
If the whole survey was moved to another stage in the ROOT VERSION (function available only there), it changes its position together with the data in ALL modifications and versions of the protocols
All the bundles of deactivated/archived scoring groups are removed from Alerts
Alerts for the scoring groups where bundles were archived in the protocol version are removed
Cases are calculated from all versions of the protocol (Cases shared in Circle statistics), “All cases” in the Report builder
Report Builder: Questions with the statuses “In use / Not in use” from all protocol versions are available for the customer within his custom modification
Bundles from all protocol versions available for this user within his custom modification are available for selection for Y axis