If your customer wants to use PI questions in Patient Communication, we recommend to configure the patients notifications sending to go out minimum 1 day after the case creation. This ensures that there is enough time for the PI question to be answered before the notification is sent out and dynamic fields in the template will not be sent as blank.
To prevent any issues with pulling PI data to the email, it is highly recommended to use this option exclusively for unilateral questions.
To include specific PI data in the email template, we utilize a dynamic field with a PI question tag.
For example,
Question: What is your pet’s name?
Answer: Buddy
So, by using the tag of this question in the email template, we pull the answer to the email and refer to the pet in the survey reminder.
Email Template in the admin panel:
You can assist us to help more pets like {{Question_563_51_1}}! Over the course of 3 follow-ups (90 days, 180 days, 365 days) we want to track {{Question_563_51_1}}’s progress after receiving the Therapy. The goal of these follow up surveys is to gather important data to measure your {{Question_563_51_1}}'s progress.
As the customer will receive it:
You can help us help more pets like Buddy! Over the course of 3 follow-ups (90 days, 180 days, 365 days) we want to track Buddy’s progress after receiving the Therapy. The goal of these follow up surveys is to gather important data to measure your Buddy's progress.
You can add PI questions as dynamic fields in the “Invite New Patient” Email (at the protocol level) and in the “Survey Reminder” (on the survey level).
Note: working with PI questions, use the following dynamic field format: {{Question tag}} ( e.g. {{Question_563_51_1}} ). You can find the question tag at the top right of the question field in the survey
*The selected question must be:
*File questions are not supported
*You can’t add the tag of the question which is a part of a bundle