To initiate any data migration, we require the following information:
1. The specific account from which patients and cases will be migrated, as well as the destination account for the migration.
2. A detailed list of Patient IDs to be transferred.
There are two approaches we can take to complete the migration.
Estimated time: 4-6 hours
If you choose this option, please provide a complete Circle export containing all Patient PI data required for enrollment.
The data import process will consist of the following key steps:
1. Cleaning up patient email addresses to ensure they can be reused.
2. Enrolling patients in the new account, which will require all patients to re-register.
3. Creating cases for the enrolled patients.
4. Migrating data related to the surveys that patients have previously completed.
5. Sending notifications to all newly enrolled patients, reminding them to re-register in Benchmarc and to re-sign the Patient Consent form.
Estimated time: 6-8 hours
The process will include the following steps:
1. Migrating patients to the new account
Patients do not need to re-register in Benchmarc and preserve their signed Patient consent
2. Migrating all their cases to the new account
Сhange emails for the accounts
If we need to transfer all cases from one account to another that currently has no existing cases, we can simply update the email addresses associated with both accounts.