Funder – a user financially responsible for funding subscriptions and cases.
All the funders are listed in a separate tab Funders in the admin panel.
In the Funders tab you can find the following info about the Funders:
~ Active, marked blue
~ Archived, marked gray
*Learn how to include a Funder into the Executive Usage Report.
1. Use search by Funder’s name or Stripe ID to find the required Funder
2. To sort the info:
a. Scroll the list to the bottom to upload all the items in the list
b. Click arrow near the column name to sort the items in the ascending/ descending order
Please check our Policy of Assigning a Funder to commit the process in the right order
Customer in Stripe = a Funder in inCytes
To add a new Funder to inCytes:
1. Go to the admin panel
2. Navigate to Funders on the left and click +FUNDER at the top right of the screen
3. Fill in the required info
*The name must be unique
*Non-Latin languages are supported as well
NOTE: Customer in Stripe = a Funder in inCytes. Make sure that Funder’s and Customer’s names are identical to the one indicated in the contract!!!
RegenMed - for clients from the USA to take the charge in dollars ( $ )
RegenMed Europe - for clients from Europe to take the charge in euros
From October,20 all the newly added Funders are charged in dollars no matter what Stripe account is chosen. Only the Funders added before October,20 and having RegenMed Europe account will keep on to be charged in euros.
Customer/ Funder can have multiple subscriptions in Stripe, but the statistics will be pulled for the invoicing based on the Subscription ID indicated in the Funder’s Profile in inCytes. So, make sure the required Subscription ID is added to inCytes
4. Click SUBMIT
1. Navigate to Funders and select the required Funder in the list
*Use Search by Funder name or Stripe ID to simplify your search
a. Include the funder into the Executive Usage Report if required
Minimum commitment package is currently not being used.
Archiving of funders who are funding at least 1 subscriber and/or circle is not allowed.
1. Navigate to Funders and select the required Funder in the list
*Use Search by Funder name or Stripe ID to simplify your search
2. Click three dots next to the required Funder and select Archive
or Unarchive to activate them