Historical cases creation (for inCytometrist Usage)
- Assess the data transferring process: compare the questions and structure of OP version vs provided ‘’paper data’’ for cases creation:
1) Questions that have no information provided to be answered, should be made optional until the end of the data transferring process. This will allow the question to be left blank within the Survey needed for completion.
2) Solutions for the PROMs that have no answers:
a) To make Bundle questions temporarily optional (however, this will affect all users)
b) To make the Bundles SET NOT IN USE in the Customer OP version temporarily
c) Enter dummy data for the PROM (e.g., entering the same answer for all the PROM questions), and adjusting when receiving the real data.
d) ! If the PROM has partial answers, the data can’t be transferred as it the outcome results will be improper.
- Count Surveys completion dates and/or other necessary information and fix it in the ‘’paper’’ provided file
- Join Customer’s account as Team Member and email the customer the following:
- Share Invite a Team Member support article
- Provide the incytes.service@gmail.com email address for invitation.
- Reconfirm settings 1) & 2) in the above section 1.
- Create historical cases, i.e., create case in accordance with the provided ‘’paper data’’:
- Set commencement & treatment date one year in advance to ensure patient receives no reminders (e.g., the same date, subsequent year) – this will ensure the reminders won’t be sent to the Patient
• No need to do it if the cases are created without e-mails, for the aim of Report Builder analysis, e.g. - Complete the surveys with the data provided
- After each case creation add Patient ID and case ID to the ‘’’Paper Source’’ for accurate matching/ reporting
- Adjust commencement and treatment dates to real ones so that the reminders of the latest surveys are sent to patients (follow the points #5, 6 of the upload historical case(s) how-to article).
After final uploading the PROMs that were temporarily hidden (SET NOT IN USE).
5. Report to a Customer. Email:
Attach reporting data (see point #3.3)
Pay attention: if some of the required questions were made as optional, ask Customer to notify when the data is entered - to remake them as mandatory. Make necessary adjustments to the PROMs settings (see the section 1.)
- Quit Customer Team. For this Remove Team Member account from Admin Site:
- Go to Subscribers Tab
- Enter Customer account (is found in the Search Field)
- Remove incytes.service@gmail.com from the Members list
Historical cases upload (for Customer Usage)
I. Admin: adjusts optionality status of the questions, and PROMs settings at Customer request (to have a possibility to skip)
! Solutions to suggest for the PROMs that have no answers:
- To make Bundle questions temporarily optional (however, this will affect all users)
- To make the Bundles SET NOT IN USE in the Customer OP version temporarily
- Enter dummy data for the PROM (e.g., entering the same answer for all the PROM questions), and adjusting when receiving the real data.
- ! If the PROM has partial answers, the data can’t be transferred as it the outcome results will be improper.
II. Customer:
- Upload historical cases, i.e., create case in accordance with the provided ‘’paper data’’ OR calling patient to complete survey(s):
- Set commencement & treatment date one year in advance to ensure patient receives no reminders (e.g., the same date, subsequent year) – this will ensure the reminders won’t be sent to the Patient
• No need to do it if the cases are created without e-mails, for the aim of Report Builder analysis, e.g.
- Notify Admin when upload is complete – for making questions/PROMs settings back.
- Finalize uploading the PROMs that were temporarily hidden (SET NOT IN USE)
- Adjust commencement and treatment dates to real ones so that the reminders of the latest surveys are sent to patients (follow the points #5, 6 of the upload historical case(s) how-to article).