The survey is built ONLY in English US. All the other tabs are language localizations, not independent surveys.
You will be able to change the position of the question later
All the settings and translations of the “original” question are cloned too. So, if a user clones a question with translations, edits some question’s wording and forgets to change the translation, there will be wrong meaning of such questions in other languages.
To speed up the process of content building, you can clone questions in a survey. It may be useful when questions have minor differences between each other and you need to change the wording in the question, etc.
To do so,
The option is available only for separate questions, including Read Only. The questions in Bundles can’t be cloned.
Learn how to clone a question in bundle.
You are not able to apply changes to the content on this step.
After cloning the question, you can change the content in it by clicking Edit in the options menu of the cloned question.
a. Use the Search bar to find the required survey faster
The survey is built and edited ONLY in English US. All the other tabs are language localizations, not independent surveys.
You will be able to change the position of the question later
The suggested question list contains all the matches to the every entered in the search field word. The more accurate the search request, the shorter the drop-down list is
You can’t add the same question to the survey twice.The system verifies the question tag’s uniqueness when a question or bundle is tried to be added in a survey and doesn’t allow you to add the duplicates.
The same question can’t be added to a survey even if it’s a part of different bundles within one survey.
a. To remove the Add Question field, click trash icon to the left of this field